Friday, April 4, 2008

Caution: Do Not Read

I just finished this book today and I honestly have not read a more depressing book in my life. Every page is filled with pain, dissappointment, hope, and anger. Sure, you learn about meth and what a horrible addiction it is but it's not worth reading the whole thing. I did get a couple pages highlighted of information to be able to show to Gracie one day, but that is it.

The author used so many unknown words, I had to look them each up in the dictionary as I read along. No one should have to read a book that way. The story ends openly with an epilogue. It's only an overly dramatic and extended version of what he feels he's learned and that it's basically nothing. Living through something hard that doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Everyone already knows that. It doesn't do anyone any good to read the anguish in every page of this book.

Bottom line: Meth is currently the most dangerous and most addictive drug out there and no matter how many rehab attemps and years of sobriety someone has, relapse is always, always possible.

Enough said. Don't read the book.


Becky said...

Thanks for the heads up! I read a review of this book in the Seattle Times and the reviewer said that both the father and son wrote books about this experience. I thought it might be interesting to get both takes on it, but neither of these books are really my taste.

Miss Stace said...

Wow ya it sounds depressing. I saw a documentary about kids and drug abuse and it was depressing!