Friday, May 16, 2008

The Host by Stephenie Meyer

I just finished this book and I'm having mixed feelings. The character development is pretty incredible especially since includes several different characters who need that specific development.

It was an enjoyable book to read but the aspect of her love stories and love triangles that seem to be standard in every book she writes gets a little obnoxious. She did balance it out well in this book, but better than in the Twilight Series, I thought.

I would recommend this to anyone who thinks that science fiction has never and will never be up their alley. She does a good job helping you feel like the main character isn't an alien at all but an actual human you can relate to.

I am glad to be done with it and if you live near me you are more than willing to borrow it.


Becky said...

I have this one on hold at the library, too. My list keeps growing and growing....

Nancy said...

Yeah!!! School is out in 5 days. I'll finally be able to get to some of this reading. Top of my list is "The Kite Runner". Next is "The Host". I hope I don't feel too quilty "wasting" the summer just reading.

Shiloh McKinnon said...

OK just found the McKinnon Read-A-Thon blog and have to say that it will be nice to get advice on what to read. I am reading the Twilight series right now and like it so far. As for the comment from Aunt Nancy, I saw the movie, The Kite Runner and I loved it.

Miss Stace said...

Shiloh - what is your email and i will add you to the people who can write on this so that we can get your advice on books to read too....

Mrs. Bennett said...

I'm still reading The Thirteenth Tale, and another one which I forgot the name of. I haven't made reading my priority lately and need to stop watching dumb shows like The Bachelor and pick up a book instead!