Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins

I was in kind of a reading slump for a while, starting lots of books but not finishing any. If I am not interested in the first few pages I have a tendency to skip ahead, sometimes read the ending, or sometimes not finish at all. I have no problem not finishing a book. Since I was in a reading slump, some friends suggested reading "The Hunger Games," by Suzanne Collins. I could not put it down...the book grabbed me from the beginning and I raced through it, finishing it in one day. It's kind of futuristic but not too Sci-Fi. It's the first in a series of three. Two thumbs up. Let me know if you read it and if you love it.


Miss Stace said...

Sweet. That will be on my list for sure!!

Mrs. Bennett said...


Beth said...

I've read and LOVE it. I have bought 5 copies for my classroom library and my students fight over it to see who gets to read it next. Are you going to read Catching Fire?

Nancy said...

It's very rare for me to finish a book in one sitting. But I read it last Sunday....couldn't put it down. Loved it!

xssa annella said...

i loved it. you got to try catching fire, the sequel. it's just as awesome if not better.

Anonymous said...

Work From Home India

Mrs. Bennett said...

I even read the first one to jasper. It is too violent so that is why I read it to edit some of it. He loved it.