Monday, July 14, 2008

Hi everyone! I just started a new book called "New England White," by Stephen L. Carter, and so far its been good. When I finish I will let you know if its worth your time. A few of my favorite books are; "The Life of Pi," "The Lovely Bones," and the first book of the Twillight series.


Nancy said...

I loved both the Life of Pi (was so surprised and confused at the end) and also enjoyd the Lovely Bones. I think of that story whenever there is a news headline of a young girl's murder. (I'm Staci's mom)

Miss Stace said...

I loved The Lovely Bones (which you gave me to read), I bought the Life of Pi to read, but it is in a huge stack of books that I am planning on reading.....

Becky said...

I also like the Lovely Bones and LIfe of Pi, though it got a bit long.
Thanks for the recommendation..I'll check it out.