Monday, March 24, 2008

The Story of the Andes Survivors: Alive

First of all, I'm so excited to be part of this blog! I've thought of putting together my own blog about books I've read and my thoughts on them, but knew it would be better with more people included.

So, I wanted to start out with this book as a recommendation. I read it several years ago but was very drawn in by the way it was written and the description of these young men trying to survive with such little hope. I couldn't imagine trying to keep a positive attitude of any kind in such a dire situation as theirs.

The book also has actual pictures from the actually wreckage and the survivors when they were found.

Very inspirational and in my top 10.

(As a side note, do not see the movie. It doesn't do it justice and it much more confusing.)

Currently Reading: "Beautiful Boy" by David Sheff.


Nancy said...

I read that one too. It was great, but depressing.

Becky said...

I haven't read that one yet...I'll get it from the library. Have you read "Into thin air"?? About a Mt. Everest expedition gone bad?
I really liked that one, too. Kind of the same genre.

Mrs. Bennett said...

I will have to put this on my long list. i was going to say the same thing as Becky - Into Thin Air is good too. Another story about survival that I like is called "Follow the River", about a woman captured by Native Americans and how she escapes.

Miss Stace said...

That looks good. I saw the movie in 7th grade in school and now I'll have to read the book! Follow the River is really good!

Nancy said...

For a long time Follow the River was my favorite. Into Thin Air...I couldn't put it down. I read it during the summer, thank goodness, because I hate to be cold and the narrative was so great, you felt like you were actually there.

palisadesk said...

If you liked the book "Alive" you will also like the more recent Miracle in the Andes by survivor Nando Parrado. It's not as detailed about the events as "Alive," it's more about his feelings and how he experienced things, with a lot about how it affected him and others later on.

A recent documentary film about the Andes survivors got awards at Sundance and other festivals this year. You can see some clips at Stranded website. The director is a friend of the survivors and went to Stella Maris school in Montevideo with them.

It is not for sale on DVD in the USA but I did find in for sale online at (French website) and the DVD has an English version. There are interviews with all 16 survivors. It is very moving.