Saturday, March 22, 2008

WANTED: Book Recommendations!

Let's post some of our favorite books (although I am sure we have read a lot of the same ones).

I can't say enough how much I loved "Suite Francaise" by Irene Nemirovsky. It's about the fall of France during WWII, but more interesting than the book is the story of the author and how the book came to be published.

I also liked "Night" by Elie Wiesel. Another story about WWII and a young boy surviving the Holocaust. I have always had an interest in stories about WWII.

I also really like to read memoirs. A good one is "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls. Another enjoyable memoir is "The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio: How My Mother Raised 10 Kids on 25 Words or Less" by Terry Ryan (which is also a cute movie).

Finally, I liked "The Thirteenth Tale" by Diane Setterfield. A ghost story that had a twist I never figured out until the end, even with my horrible habit of reading the end of the book before I'm done!

Now it's your turn! I need some good books to enjoy in my new chair!

p.s. don't mind the ugly plywood background behind my reading nook. We got ambitious one day and ripped off all of the ugly fake rocks on our fireplace and then we got unambitious and haven't put anything back up. Maybe I should give the kids some markers and call it "abstract" art!


Miss Stace said...

I loved The Glass Castle. It made me so sad though!!! I recommended it to lots of my friends and they all liked it as well. Its a good yet sad book!!!

Miss Stace said...

oh ya - and thats a cute pic of Megan and Garrett behind your chair!

Nancy said...

I loved the Glass Castle!

Mrs. Bennett said...

I just finished the Thirteenth Tale. I liked it a lot.